Arizona Legislature introduces budget bills

The Arizona Legislature introduced a package of 10 budget bills on Monday afternoon, the President's Day holiday, with hearings set in both Senate and Appropriations committees at 8AM today. News reports summarize the major differences between these and the Governor's budget plan that was released in January. The AZGS budget appears to be the same in both sets of proposals.

HB2852 general appropriations; 2012-2013
HB2853 capital outlay; 2012-2013
HB2854 state budget procedures; 2012-2013
HB2855 revenue; budget reconciliation; 2012-2013
HB2856 government budget reconciliation; 2012 2013
HB2857 health; welfare; budget reconciliation; 2012-2013
HB2858 K-12 education; budget reconciliation; 2012-2013
HB2859 higher education; budget reconciliation; 2012-2013
HB2860 criminal justice; budget reconciliation; 2012-2013
HB2861 environment; budget reconciliation; 2012-2013