Passport Potash report identifies 290-315 million tonnes of K2O

Passport Potash just released their NI-43-101 compliant technical report about the amount of potash on their lands in the Holbrook basin of eastern Arizona.

According to a news release "Passport's drill hole data shows that evaporite layers containing potash range in thickness from 2.6 to 18.4 meters and range in grade from 3.2% to 9.4% K2O, with an average thickness of 6.4 meters and a weighted average grade of 5.3% K2O. The exploration potential for the total areal extent of Passport lands (554 sq. Km.) is estimated to range between 290 and 315 million metric tonnes of K2O using a grade of 2% K2O as a threshold of mineralization, which is equivalent to a range from 460 to 500 million metric tonnes of KCL."