Sci-Tech Festival shaping up for Centennial

The Arizona Science & Tech Festival is shaping up to be a center-piece of the Arizona Centennial in 2012. The Festival "will collaborate with more than 200 organizations in the state to integrate science in events with hands-on activities and workshops, discussions, exhibitions, concerts and tours during February," according to organizer Jeremy Babendure.

The Flinn Foundation profiled Jeremy last week as one of their alumni. This is what he had to say about the Festival:
We anticipate the festival will reach 100,000+ Arizonans through 300+ activities that take place in diverse neighborhoods throughout the state with: signature events highlighting the innovative character of each region (aerospace, technology, bioscience) with high energy exhibitions and shows; 20+ neighborhood hubs providing workshop and discussion opportunities at accessible locations such as libraries and community centers; tours of science/technology facilities statewide; and activities, talks and challenges in-schools to get kids engaged before, during and post festival.