Richard "Dick" Wilson, 1931-2011

Well known Arizona geologist Richard “Dick” Wilson, a faculty member in the University of Arizona Department of Geosciences from 1962 to 1980, has passed away. Dick and his wife established Tucson’s Tohono Chul Park and he was active in Flagstaff-area philanthropy.

A message from Tohono Chul Park reports that Dick "died... of an infection contracted while on a family rafting trip through the Grand Canyon. He was flown out of the canyon to Flagstaff Medical Center on the next to the last day of the trip but did not recover. His family reported that up to that point he was having a marvelous time - taking pictures, bonding with the river runners and teaching them about the geology along the river." [photo credit, Tohono Chul Park]

An obituary ran in the Arizona (Flagstaff) Daily Sun.