Another lawsuit against Arizona mining ban

An email from the Northwest Mining Association was forwarded, informing their members that NWMA filed a complaint in federal district court in Arizona "seeking to overturn [Interior] Secretary Salazar’s Public Land Order withdrawing more than 1 million acres from operation of the Mining Law. Mountain States Legal Foundation is representing NWMA in this action. There are 7 claims for relief, two relating to violations of FLPMA and the NFMA; four related to violations of NEPA; and the seventh seeks to declare §204 of FLPMA unconstitutional because it violates the Presentment Clause of the U.S. Constitution." [Right, BLM map outlining the parcels included in the withdrawal from exploration and mining]

There are a number of reports circulating that other groups are planning suits, and not surprisingly, that several mining opponents will seek to intervene in support of the withdrawal.

Update, 3-8-12 5;14AM: the Mohave Valley News reports that Mohave County Supervisors on Monday will consider joining one of the lawsuits.

Mohave County Supervisor Buster Johnson testified in Congress against the ban last week.