Potash and the environment - 5 volume reference set

The interest in potash is growing in Arizona as three companies carry out exploration programs east of Holbrook in what could be one of the largest recoverable deposits in the country. This week the Arizona Oil & Gas Conservation Commission issued four more permits for exploration core holes, to Dallas-based HNZ Potash.

A decade ago when potash supply met world demand and prices were low, the United Nations Environmental Program teamed up with the fertilizer industry (IFA) to publish five volumes that looked at a wide range of environmental factors related to potash and phosphate exploration, production, distribution, and use. All five are available online for downloading:

Environmental Aspects of Phosphate and Potash Mining


Mineral Fertilizer Use and the Environment


Mineral fertilizer production and the environment: a guide to reducing the environmental impact of fertilizer production


The Fertilizer Industry, World Food Supplies and the Environment


Mineral Fertilizer Distribution and the Environment

IFA-UNEP (2000) Mineral Fertilizer Distribution and the Environment.pdf


Thanks to Kathy Hemenway for alerting us to these reports.